What it does

Normally, you would only be able to use your locked dependencies from your lockfile when using pdm in your dev environment.

This plugin enables using the lockfile in a deployment scenario.

Thus, your users may install your package as an exact reproduction of your dev environment lockfile by running:

pip install mypkg[locked]

So for mypkg with optional-dependencies group extras you will end up with the following groups:

  • locked

  • extras-locked

To install both, you would run:

pip install mypkg[locked, extras-locked]


It achieves this by adding optional-dependencies groups that allow the user to opt-in to installing the dependencies that were pinned in the lockfile:

  • [locked] - contains all default dependencies as pinned version from lockfile

  • for each optional-dependencies group <group>:

    • [<group>-locked] - contains optional dependencies for group <group> as pinned version from lockfile