Which plugin should I use?

PDM CLI Plugin

If you only care about reproducible installs after publishing your package, you may use the

PDM CLI plugin.

Compatible package managers:

  • pdm only

Compatible build backends:

  • any PEP 517 compatible build backend (setuptools, flit-core, pdm-backend, `hatchling etc.)

pipx install mypkg[locked]

Backend Plugin

If you want to be able to install your package from a local directory or a git repository, you need to use the

Build Backend Plugin.

Compatible package managers:

  • any PEP 621 compatible package manager (poetry, flit, pdm, hatch etc.)

Compatible build backends:

  • pdm-backend and hatchling

pipx install "mypkg[locked] @ git+https://github.com/myorg/mypkg"