Build Backend Plugin

You can even use this plugin without PDM. This is enabled by build backend hooks.

Currently, both pdm-backend and hatchling are supported.

To set it up, a few configuration steps are required.

Lockfile configuration

Your lockfile must be configured with the include_metadata strategy (pdm>=2.11) and include locks for the optional-dependencies groups you want to publish locked.

pyproject configuration

If you already have a [project.optional-dependencies] section, skip this step.

Else, add the following to the start of your pyproject.toml:

dynamic = ["optional-dependencies"]

buildsystem configuration

This step depends on the build-system you use and requires you to add the following to your pyproject.toml.


requires = ["pdm-backend", "pdm-build-locked"]
build-backend = "pdm.backend"

locked = true


requires = ["hatchling", "pdm-build-locked"]
build-backend = ""
